If you have a smart phone or a tablet then YOU can be a Time Traveler with the SeeStar S50 smart telescope from ZWO.
The ASI224MC is a discontinued color planetary camera that is still highly sought after both for its intended purpose an as an "All Sky Camera." Let's take a closer look!
Coming soon!
Rather than using a separate guide scope, I steal a little light from my main scope through an OAG.
The workhorse of my astrophotography rig, the ASI2600 is a classic, dedicated astrocam for a reason (or many, actually)!
If you want to take pictures of the Sun or the planets, you're likely going to use a technique called "lucky imaging." The ASI432 is perfect for this type of Time Travel.
The ZWO ASI120MM Mini is a great little monochrome camera best suited as a workhorse guidescope. It also works well for planetary and solar work. In fact, you just might want to use it for everything.