The Canon 100-400mm L IS II zoom lens is perhaps the best lens, not designed for close-up work, ever put on the front end of a Canon camera.
A software driver that redirects a Windows virtual serial port via a TCP/IP network to another hardware interface specified by IP address.
Much faster than network, much easier than an SSD
The Eero 6+ is everything I need to put wifi where wifi doens't want to go. There's one small learning curve, but it's easy to surmount.
For when you absolutely, positively, have to be pointed in the right direction.
With up to three wired ports and an AC1200 dual-band wifi, this travel router is perfect for your AP rig!
Rather than using a separate guide scope, I steal a little light from my main scope through an OAG.
The best thing I ever purchased to help do more astrophotography!
A green laser pointer in the accessory shoe for the telescope makes a great visual aid!
SV503 102ED f/7 Refractor Telescope for visual and astrophotography - perfect for Time Travelling!