Things that you Bump in the Night

This is a list of equipment that I currently use or have used in the past. I'll try to keep it up to date. Some of these are reviews from when I first got the equipment and some are simply information about each piece. Let me know what you would do differently, what you would keep or sell, and if you want to trade some gear, feel free to reach out! If you want to know where I shop, it's primarily Astronomics, High Point Scientific, and of course, Amazon! More information is available at my support page.

The perfect AP rig control computer. Fanless Mini PC with Intel N100, PDDR4, Win11, HDMI 4K, Wi-Fi 5, BT, USB 3.2 and 2.0, Type-C, SD & SSD Support, and a VESA Mount for under $200!

Coupled with its long focal length of 3,556 mm, the 14" LX200 is wonderful for viewing our solar system neighbors and resolving fine detail on distant, dim objects like nebulae and galaxies.

For when you absolutely, positively, have to be pointed in the right direction.

A green laser pointer in the accessory shoe for the telescope makes a great visual aid!

A multi-function equatorial tracking mount with built-in Wi-Fi control.

The iEXOS-100 is an astronomical GOTO equatorial mount with Explore Scientific's PMC-Eight Precision Motion Control system. Perfect for a grab-n-go Time Machine!

The iOptron Tri-Pier combines the strength and stableness of a pier with the leveling flexibility of a tripod.

Massive 44-pound payload capacity support guiders, filters, cameras, and more.

The best power controller you can find for just about any price.

Everyone's favorite single board computer!

The iOptron CEM40 mount is a center-balanced equatorial mount offering integrated cable management and a sleek design.