One of the things about being a time traveler is that you often need special equipment. Sometimes, that equipment hasn't been invented yet, and you have to build it yourself. That's why Time Traveling and 3D Printing go hand in hand. This section is about showing all the great things that you can do with a 3D printer as it pertains to Astrophotography.
Someone who creates things is often called a maker and a MakerChip is something that 3D printing makers make to give to other makers. It's basically a poker chip that we design to represent ourselves when we meet other makers. Much like a friendship bracelet or patches or other things are exchanged between people who share a common interest, a MakerChip is that, but more. 3D printing allows makers to make something that's not only never been made by anyone else ever before, but also to make something that never could be made before. In essence, the process of 3D printing is such that the object that gets created can be designed with certain features that could never have been made without 3D printing. In short, there are lots of opportunities to do lots of fun things with MakerChips that you might not be able to do with a patch or a friendship bracelet.
Can you find all of the secrets of my Astropotamus MakerChip? Let me know if you do!
Until next time, clear skies, and I'll see you in the dark!