This device is like a little magic tube for your Time Machine. Let's explore what it does and if you need one.
Let's start with understanding what a Focal Reducer / Field Flattner does. If you haven't read it yet, chekc out this articles on what an FF/FR does. This Celestron 0.63X FF/FR is specifically designed for Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes (SCTs), and reduces turns a long focal length telescope into a faster, shorter focal length instrument while improving the flatness of the field of view.
This little lens does minor miracles for Astrophotography if you're shooting with a C5, C6, C8, C9.25, C11, or C14 SCT. And since these are among the most popular telescopes ever sold, that encompasses a lot. I use mine for Lunar imaging as well as general astro-imaging of things in the night skies. Along with my Canon 80D DSLR, it's a perfect combination.
It's like a little magic tube for your Time Machine.
The best part is that you can always take it off and go however your scope is normally configured, which means you have two scopes in one. A longer (slower) focal length default, and a shorter (faster) focal length with the FF/FR. Having options is always better than not having options. They're relatively easy to find used as well for less money, but always make sure to see it before you buy it to ensure the optics are in good condition.
If you have a supported Celestron SCT, you should get one. It's a small amount of money to add to your gear, but it provides a huge gain in capabilities, decreaess the amount of time it takes to image, and improves the image quality.
Q: Will it work with my EdgeHD SCT?
A: No. The EdgeHD has a FF built in to it and different connection threads, so it won't work.
Q: Is it good terrestrial viewing?
A: It will make things brighter, so it could be useful, but you'll need a right-way-up diagonal so your field of view isn't upside down.