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Journey through Time as we explore the Cosmos together through Astrophotography!

Let's take a thrilling journey through Time, where looking up at the night sky means seeing the Cosmos as it was in the past. Join me as we take off on this incredible voyage together, and you can be a time traveling Astropotamus, just like me!

Also, check out my YouTube channel for live streams, videos, and more. Plus, if you want to help me make more content, or if you want access to all of my raw imaging data, please help support my web site here.

Become a Time Traveler

Recent articles, equipment, and other posts

Much faster than network, much easier than an SSD

Amazon Eero Mesh Wifi Router

Coming soon!

For when you absolutely, positively, have to be pointed in the right direction.

With up to three wired ports and an AC1200 dual-band wifi, this travel router is perfect for your AP rig!

With only a 30 minute window between sunset and its disappearnce behind the trees, I managed to get this image of the comet.

Travels Through Time

These are some images taken with various Time Machines, cameras, and techniques as I've learned the art of Astrophotography. You can find more in the Pictures section. Some are good and I hope they inspire you; some are bad and I hope you learn from my mistakes.

All images copyright 2024 by

See this page for information on how you can support me in creating more content.

This web site is updated from time to time with a variety of images, information on and reviews of my equipment, and the occasional piece of astronomy-related news or similar article. I am not a professional web developer and I designed this web page to make it easy for me to get content out quickly. There are likely mistakes and inconsistencies. If you see something, say something and if there's something you'd to see or a feature you'd like added, please contact me and I'll see what I can do!

Yes, I know that clicking on tags is sometimes broken. It's a side-effect of the content management system I'm using and I'm slowly fixing it. Sorry about that!

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